Friday, 6 February 2015

Unit 2 Brief

The Brief that I have chosen to undergo for unit 2 is to create a film poster for the film "MARVEL's Captain America: Civil War"

Brief theme - Alone/together

Words that relate to Avengers: Civil War could be separation, rivalry, opposition, combat, battles, power and conquest. 

The theme suits more to alone, rather than together, because the film entails a battle between two (once before) allies: Iron Man and Captain America.

Due to the fact that I am unable to use the title and logo of the film, I have changed the name of the film, and I will have to create a new logo that would be able to be used for the poster(s).

The new name of the film for my posters is going to be 'Captain America: Nation Divided.' This name sticks to the theme of the film, it still has the same storyline and characters, but the name is different.

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