Friday, 17 April 2015

Final Piece(s)

These work in progress shots of my Captain America poster. 

This is my final Captain America poster

These are my Iron Man work in progress shots.

This is my final piece for the Iron Man poster
This is both of them alongside of each other

Friday, 13 March 2015

Development and draft ideas

These ink paintings that I made were not used in my final piece, also they have the old title on so I couldn't use them because of changing the title

These are the ones I actually used to create my final piece

Drafting Ideas

Trying some different techniques I came up with these different drafting ideas to put towards my final piece

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Hand drawn typeface

I chose to do the hand draw type this way as the top font is comic style, much like the comic universe that my film is from, and my bottom typeface is to link more to the previous films to do with these characters.

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Scamps of my own work

These are the scamps of my work, they are very basic drawings that aren't of the best quality but they can be used as a basis for my piece

Monday, 23 February 2015

Drawings of Subject Matter

These are drawings to do with my film poster. So I have drawn Iron Man, Captain America and Spider-Man.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Full Pinboards

These are Pinboards that I will use for my Unit 2 movie poster, the subject matter are concept arts of both iron man and captain america, also a few well known locations from the Marvel Comic Universe, the Avengers: Civil War board is all of the Iron Man and Captain America photos from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the Inspiration are other movie posters, even though they aren't all Marvel related but are successful posters

Friday, 6 February 2015

Unit 2 Brief

The Brief that I have chosen to undergo for unit 2 is to create a film poster for the film "MARVEL's Captain America: Civil War"

Brief theme - Alone/together

Words that relate to Avengers: Civil War could be separation, rivalry, opposition, combat, battles, power and conquest. 

The theme suits more to alone, rather than together, because the film entails a battle between two (once before) allies: Iron Man and Captain America.

Due to the fact that I am unable to use the title and logo of the film, I have changed the name of the film, and I will have to create a new logo that would be able to be used for the poster(s).

The new name of the film for my posters is going to be 'Captain America: Nation Divided.' This name sticks to the theme of the film, it still has the same storyline and characters, but the name is different.